Beginner Recorder Pack


Beginner Recorder Pack


The Beginner Recorder Content Pack is the ideal way to get your newest recorder players motoring along.
The flashing note technology and engaging instructional videos will create a fun environment for your students to learn - and learn more quickly. 
This flashing notation system has been used with the NSW Festival of Instrumental Music and taught 1000’s of students how to learn their Festival pieces on recorder. 
This innovative product is delivered via the web so you can access it on any computer, Interactive Whiteboard or Data Projector.

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Beginner Recorder Pack Demo Video



Nine (9) Pieces

Tried and tested pieces from the ‘Jellybeans Music In-Schools’ program. Over 20,000 students have used these pieces to get started. First 3 pieces have just the ONE NOTE in them.


Variety of Styles

The pieces come in a wide range of musical styles to keep students interested. Styles include: Baroque, Rock, Swing, Classical

Optional Note Names

For those students learning not just recorder but musical notation also, we have included the option for each piece to have notes names above each note.

Easily Integrates into your Classroom

The Beginner Recorder Pack is a product that lives online. You don't require any software, USB sticks, DVD's, CD-Rom's etc..... Just an internet connection! We will send you a login Username and Password that you simply log into the site with - EASY. You can run the Beginner Recorder Pack from ANY computer (useful if attached to a Digital Projector) or of course, your Interactive Whiteboard.

Purchase an Annual Subscription Now

AU$110.00 (inc. GST)*