COVID-19 Safety Plan for Jellybeans Music lessons
Our approach to keeping staff and students safe…
Jellybeans Music has initiated a COVID-19 Safety plan since schools went back in Term 2, 2020. This has included
hand sanitising stations in all classes both before and after class;
wiping down of all instruments after each lesson with wipes disposed of immediately
recorders only being used by their owners and stored in plastic protective sleeves
students suitably spaced away from each other
Please see our COVID-19 Safety plan HERE.
changes to classroom music in NSW from aug. 18, 2020
A change in delivery of music in schools has been implemented in NSW DET and Independent Schools from August 19th 2020. This includes no group singing/chanting and no woodwind instruments - or recorders in the case of Jellybeans Music.
We support these changes as research does show that both recorder and group singing do create a higher level of aerosol droplets that can carry the virus.
In lieu of the singing and recorder elements in our programs we are incorporating into many of our classrooms, the ‘Creative Composition’ activities that we have developed in pre-COVID times. These activities enable students to create musical melodies on glockenspiel and compose lyric content for set pieces. We have a wide range of pre-written templates that are age appropriate for all Primary years. The templates focus on a wide range of core topic areas such as multiculturalism; space; people in our community; environment and many more.
These activities are fun, creative, engaging and meet core curriculum outcomes. We are looking forward to bringing these activities into our schools and look forward to the time when we can all safely sing and play wind instruments again in our classrooms!
We have an extensive range of Jellybeans songs that can be adapted for creative lessons in all Primary years. to meet our new requirements.
Please contact us HERE if you have further questions on how music can be safely delivered in your Primary school.